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Научно-технический интернет-журнал        Свидетельство о регистрации Эл № ФС 77-31314      



Выставки, конференции, семинары
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Дата   :   7 августа 2008 года  |  просмотров: 331

Перечень конференций, выставок и семинаров, проводимых IS&T

Здесь приводится перечень конференций, выставок и семинаров, проводимых IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology). Большинство мероприятий включают в себя темы, связанные с техникой телевидения и цифрового фото.

  1. September 7 - September 12, 2008

  2. DF2008: Digital Fabrication Processes Conference

    The Westin Convention Center and the David L. Lawrence Convention Center

    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


  3. September 7 - September 12, 2008

  4. NIP24: 24th International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies

    The Westin Convention Center and the David L. Lawrence Convention Center

    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


  5. November 4 - November 7, 2008

  6. The 2nd Beijing International Conference on Imaging:Digital Imaging andApplications (BICI 2008)

    Beijing, China

  7. November 10 - November 14, 2008

  8. Sixteenth Color Imaging Conference

    The Benson Hotel

    Portland, Oregon


  9. January 18 - January 22, 2009

  10. Electronic Imaging 2009

    San Jose Convention Center

    San Jose, California


  11. February 28 - March 1, 2009

  12. International Symposium on Technologies for Digital Photo Fulfillment (TDPF 09)

    Westin Casuarina Hotel & Spa

    Las Vegas, Nevada


  13. May 5 - May 8, 2009

  14. Archiving 2009

    Hilton Crystal City

    Arlington, Virginia


  15. September 20 - September 25, 2009

  16. DF2009: Digital Fabrication Processes Conference

    Galt House Hotel

    Louisville, Kentucky


  17. September 20 - September 25, 2009

  18. NIP25: 25th International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies

    Galt House Hotel

    Louisville, Kentucky


  19. November 9 - November 13, 2009

  20. Seventeenth Color Imaging Conference

    Hotel albuquerque at Old Town

    Albquerque, New Mexico


  21. January 16 - January 21, 2010

  22. Electronic Imaging 2010

    San Jose Convention Center

    San Jose, California


  23. September 19 - September 24, 2010

  24. DF2010: Digital Fabrication Processes Conference

    Hilton Austin

    Austin, Texas


  25. September 19 - September 24, 2010

  26. NIP26: 26th International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies

    Hilton Austin

    Austin, Texas


  27. January 29 - February 3, 2011

  28. Electronic Imaging 2011

    San Jose Convention Center

    San Jose, California


  29. November 7 - November 11, 2011

  30. Nineteenth Color Imaging Conference

    Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town

    Albuquerque, New Mexico


  31. November 4 - November 8, 2013

  32. Twenty-first Color Imaging Conference

    Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town

    Albuquerque, New Mexico



Полный список мероприятий на сайте www.imaging.org/conferences/